Live the Lifestyle
Welcome to Hanna
Hanna welcomes you and your family to come for a visit, check out the amenities and enjoy some small town friendliness. Wide open spaces and big sky offer an unparalleled quality of life in a safe, friendly and virtually crime-free community.
Coming Events
Narcotics Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous
Do you have the desire to change but lack the support? Consider joining us every Thursday.
Freedom to Read Week
Freedom to Read Week
A week for Canadians to think about and reaffirm their commitment to intellectual freedom.
This Week at Centennial Place
This Week at Centennial Place
What's happening this week at Centennial Place?
This Week at the Arena
This Week at the Arena
Find an at a glance schedule of the events going on at our Hanna Arena, updated daily.
Public Skating
Public Skating
Get out of the house this Sunday afternoon and enjoy a refreshing skate with the family.
Spades Card Games
Spades Card Games
If you enjoy a good game of cards then join us at Senior Circle every Wednesday.