Dial 9-1-1 for immediate assistance such as Police, Fire and Ambulance.
For non-emergency, contact Town of Hanna at 403-854-4433 and listen carefully to the prompts. You may have to leave a message but someone is monitoring calls.
It is important not to panic, speak clearly and slowly, and if possible and no danger to yourself exists, stay connected to the 911 dispatcher until they have all pertinent information.
Prepare for Extreme Heat
Extreme heat can cause serious negative health impacts ranging from dehydration and heat exhaustion to heat stroke and possibly death.
During heat waves, buildings with no indoor cooling systems will continue to get hotter with each passing day, increasing these risks. Heat waves can also lead to water and power outages, and increase our risk of other hazards such as wildfire.
Extreme heat affects everyone, but some people are at a higher risk of health impacts, including:
- older adults
- infants and young children
- women who are pregnant
- outdoor workers
- people with reduced mobility, who live alone or are marginally housed
- some medications also increase risk of heat illness
Know how heat affects you and take precautions to reduce your risk.
Pro Tip: Remember your pets.
Prepare for Wildfires
Wildfire season officially starts March 1 and runs until October 31 each year.
Wildfires can affect communities in forested or grassland areas, including urban green spaces like ravines and parks.
If a fire is near, protect yourself and loved ones by following directions from authorities and be prepared to evacuate.
Pro Tip: Learn FireSmart methods. Test smoke alarms regularly. Report a wildfire immediately.
Prepare for Power and Water Outages
A loss of water or power, lasting minutes, days or longer can affect a single property, a building, a community or an entire region. Many environmenta hazards can cause damage, including: high winds, freezing rain, floods and extreme heat or cold.
Building water reduction habits into daily routines will help you practise so you can more easily navigate shortages and reduce your utility costs.
Conserving power may not be noticable at first. Reduce usage during peak hours, use ceiling fans to reduce the use of air conditioners, seal air links around doors and windows, unplug electrical devices when not in use.
Pro Tip: Purchase energy efficient products and use a power bar for multiple appliances so you can turn them all off at once. Store bottled water for drinking, cooking and hygiene.
Prepare for Floods
Floods have devastaged many areas of Alberta and can happen any time of year. Flooding can result from heavy rainfall, ice jams, rapid melting or even natural or man-made dam failures.
Pro Tip: Never attempt to cross a flooded area. Water is powerful – 6″ of moving water can knock over an adult and 12 inches can carry away a car. Two feet of moving water can easily move mid-sized vehicles.
Prepare for Severe Storms
Thunderstorms, lightning, heavy rain, hail, tornadoes and extreme winds are all examples of extreme storms that are not uncommon for our area.
Thunderstorms can last several hours, develop quickly and be very unpredicable.
Most tornadoes develop in the late afternoon and early evening. A wind warning is given for winds expected to reach 90 km/hr. Tornados can reach speeds of up to 400 km/hr.
Pro Tip: Secure outdoor objects at all times in case of strong winds. Keep your vehicles covered in case of hail. Tornadoes don’t always have a visible funnel cloud and are deceptive. A tornado may appear to stand still when it is moving toward you.
Checklists and Resources
Local For Hanna & Area
Provided by GoA
Pro Tip: Start your emergency kit today and every week, add one item until you have the basic supplies. Remember prescriptions.
Stay Informed
Local in Order of Importance
Town of Hanna Electronic Newsletter: Scroll to the bottom ⇓ of any page of this website and sign up for Hanna news and information.
Town of Hanna Facebook Page: during an event, posts relative and timely facts.
Hanna Alerts: Sign up for text message alerts such as public safety, water, fire, RCMP or any event considered an immediate threat to the safey and well-being of Hanna residents.
Hanna’s Air Quality: Measures air quality, in real time, within Town limits.
Alberta Emergency Alert (app): Active alerts, archived alerts and details about the alerting system. Yes, there are local people who are authorized and trained to use the system for local alerts.
Alberta 511 (app available): Create or view travel routes for advisories, closures or incidents.
Alberta Fire Bans: The most current information on fire advisories and bans in Alberta.
Alberta Wildfire: Find active wildfires.
Alberta Rivers (app): Flood advisories and comments issued by Alberta’s River Forecast Centre.
Air Quality: Plan outdoor activities and manage exposure. (AHQI)
Emergency Registration: Operated under your own MyAlberta account, you can register and any family members for potential emergencies that might affect your household
WeatherCan: Draws weather data directly from Environment and Climate Change Canada, the official source for Canadian weather alerts.
Pro Tip: Review and signup in advance so you are prepared to use the websites and/or apps when you need to.
Hanna Emergency Response
Hanna’s Emergency Management Agency works with the Town of Hanna, Special Areas, regional partners, non-governmental organization and neighbouring municipalities to prepare and respond to emergency situations that may occur with the municipality and often the greater area.
When a large scale emergency occurs, the Town will activate it’s Emergency Response Plan. This Master Plan, regularly reviewed and tested by the Director of Emergency Management, is designed to aid the Emergency Management Agency in responding to any man-made or natural disasters that may overwhelm the resources of regular day-to- day operations in our community.
The Town also prepares for Emergency Social Services response designed to provide essential necesseties for the immediate well-being of persons affected by an emergency. The Emergency Social Services has an emergency response plan which is contained within the Master Emergency Response Plan.
The Government of Alberta through its primary agency, the Alberta Emergency Management Agency, sets out the rules and guidelines for all communities and municipalities when it comes to major emergencies or disasters in the Province.