Town Office

Our Community




Opportunities with the Town of Hanna

Hanna’s job market is strong! There are frequently great career opportunities in many different industries from trades to healthcare. There is a demand for all levels of positions from entry-level to senior positions that can be found through the Career Centre. Lynks  has a job board for posting positions and staff trained to assist people with securing a job.

Through the year, the Town of Hanna has openings for employment or contract positions. All are posted on this website.

Permanent Positions

There are no openings for a permanent position at this time.  If something becomes available, it will be posted here.

Casual Positions

Applications are accepted year-round for Centennial Place customer service. This job is mostly evenings and weekends.

Customer Service

Applications are accepted year-round for casual employment at Centennial Place.


Temporary and Seasonal Positions

Nothing available at present.

Bids, Tenders, Proposals and Contracts

Opportunities will be posted – at a minimum – in accordance with the regulations provided by the Province of Alberta, using Alberta Purchasing Connection. Local opportunities, that come under the threshold for the  Gov of AB regulations, will be provided to those who hold a business license within the Town of Hanna and possibly in our electronic newsletter. Local and licensed businesses are encouraged to keep the Senior Administrative Staff informed of their offerings and services as they change. Often services may be added and Town staff are unaware.

Real Estate Services



Real Estate Services: Request for Promposal

The deadline to submit a proposal is March 3, 2025. Please download the document for details regarding submission.

Version: 16-Jan-2025