The third episode of the Hanna “In Focus” podcast is released. Yes, this podcast is generated with artificial intelligence but this gives listeners one more way to remain engaged and informed in a transparent, easy-to-follow summary of what’s happening in the community.
This time, for some reason the audio wouldn’t upload so our attempt to fool YouTube seems to have worked. We attached a video clip and called it a video and sure enough, it now works. A few hours later, we learned something very important while doing this. Technology is constantly changing! lol
As an added note, Chief Administrative Officer, Matthew Norburn has been asked to speak at the Alberta Municipalities Spring Municipal Leaders Caucus. The topic he will be presenting is Town of Hanna: Leveraging Social Media and AI to engage with Residents, Including Managing Challenging Interactions.
The team behind “Hanna in Focus” is eager to hear feedback from the community. Make sure to listen on the Town’s YouTube channel, found at https://youtube.com/HannaAlberta/podcasts. Have a listen.