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Rummage Sale

Rummage Sale

​Rummage Sale 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Arena/Curling Rink (501 3rd St. W.)

Annual Hospital Auxiliary Rummage Sale! All money made goes to the Ladies Hospital Auxiliary to purchase needed equipment for the Hanna Hospital.

Volunteers are always needed! Just show up and there will be a job for you!​ Or contact Dolores Clow 403-854-0546


For pick-up Phone the Thurs/Fri before of sale to 403-854-3331. Items must be outside and easily accessible.

Curling Rink: Small Appliances, Soft Goods, Clothing, House-wares, etc
Arena South Door: Furniture, Large Appliances, Sporting Goods, Toys, Large Christmas Items

Please note: Major appliances must be in good working order. Items must be clean and in good repair. No mattresses, computers, cribs, or car seats.

There are no upcoming events at this time.