Town Office

Our Community



Payment Options


Now you can pay your accounts owing to the Town of Hanna by e-transfer. Please note to input the details of the account you are paying in the comments box. If you are paying utilities, use your utility account number. If you are paying property taxes, use your roll number(s). If you have an invoice, use your invoice number.

Not providing account information may result in your payment being applied to the incorrect account which may in turn result in late fees.

Send your e-transfer to Passwords aren’t required and the money will be automatically deposited.


The Town of Hanna is now accepting payment with select credit cards through OptionPay.  This can be done from the comfort of your home, or at the Town Office.

OptionPay is a payment card system with a tiered fee schedule with a minimum fee of $2.00 per transaction.  All transaction fees will be included in your transaction and you will have the option to approve or discontinue your transaction.  Details on OptionPay can be found on their website.  You can view the full fee chart.

In order to use OptionPay for your credit card transaction, please visit the Hanna customer website by clicking the logo below.

Link to OptionPay for Credit Card payments.

For instructions and how to find the account numbers required to make your payments, please choose the payment type below in the OptionPay FAQ’s.

OptionPay FAQ’s

Accounts Receivable



To pay an invoice for accounts receivable, please enter the Invoice Number and the Account number, both found on the top right of your invoice.

Utility Payments


To pay a utility bill, you will need the account number.  This can be found on your utility bill in two locations.

Tax Payments



When entering your payment information for taxes, you will be asked for your roll number.  This can be found on your tax notice in two locations.

Business License Renewal


To renew your Business License please include the Account Number from your renewal invoice.  If you are applying for a new business license, you can access forms on your wibsite but you will have to submit your application and be approved before an account number will be issued.

Pre-Authorized Payments

This method offers a budget plan for both home and business owners.  An automatic debit will be made from the account you authorize for withdrawals. You just need to fill out the applicable pre-authorization form and return it with a void cheque to the Town Office.

Property Taxes:

On the last working day of each month, an automatic debit will be made from the personal bank account you have specified on the pre-authorized tax payments form.  When you are a participant in the payment plan, you are not required to make an annual tax payment as your taxes are paid in monthly installments.  You will continue to receive your annual assessment and tax notices.  Ratepayers can sign up for the pre-authorized plan at any time throughout the year provided a lump sum is received for the months missed.  For example, if you sign up starting in March, you are required to pay January and February estimated payments.

Download and complete the automatic debit form.

Utility Bills:

On the due date indicated on your utility statement, an automatic debit will be made from the personal bank account you have specified on the pre-authorized utility payments form.  You will receive your regular bi-monthly bill so you know the balance of your account, your usage details, and how much will be debited from your bank account.

Download and complete the pre-authorized debit form for utilities.

Pay in Person

 The Hanna Town Office, located at 302-2nd Avenue West is open between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm Monday to Friday.  The office does not close through the lunch hour.  Post dated cheques will be accepted prior to the due date indicated on the tax or utility notice.


At The Branch or ATM

Tax payments are not accepted at the financial institutions at either the wicket or the automated banking machines.  Utility payments can be made at the wicket, as well as at the Bank Machine.


Online or Telephone Banking

Many financial institutions participate in telephone or online banking. Banks that participate in telephone or online banking are: TD Canada Trust, Alberta Treasury Branch, Royal Bank, CIBC and Chinook Financial. Please check with your local banking institution.


When all else fails, there is always the option to use the Post Office.  Cheques or money orders can be mailed to Box 430, Hanna, AB  T0J 1P0.  Please do not send cash in the mail. Payments not postmarked prior to,  or on the due date are subject to penalties.