Town Office

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The Power of Communication

Communication is key in an emergency. Emergencies can happen anytime and staying connected can make all the difference. This month, for our #BePrepared message, we are focusing on communication and connections – essential elements of emergency preparedness.

The following five tips are some easy things that you can do to prepare. We’ve even helped by providing you some tools.

1.0 Emergency Alerts

  • Signup to receive emergency alerts for Hanna. Yes, Town of Hanna has it’s own Notification system. Fortunately we haven’t had to use this system for an emergency, but it is available to us. You can sign up at
  • Alberta Emergency Management Agency issues alerts with critical information about a potentially life-threatening situation that will impact our area. The alerts may be local such as fires and hazardous materials, an AMBER alert, a hazardous road conditions alert or an Environment Canada weather-related alert. Did you know that the Town of Hanna has staff trained to access, issue and revoke an Alberta Emergency Alert? To view active alerts in the province or download the app visit:

2.0 Information

Sending and receiving information in an emergency is critical to understand how to respond. Do you pack a bag and get out of Town? or are Emergency Management Officials telling you to close your windows and stay at home? How will you know? Be sure you have access to emergency information with a battery-operated or crank radio. It’s quite possible that during a crisis, mobility service, internet service and power may all be affected so you won’t be able to see misinformation posted to Facebook.

3.0 A Block Party

Start conversations with and get to know your neighbors. They will become a part of your support network. Think about ways your neighbors can help you and ways you can help them. Knowing your neighbors makes it easier to ask for help when you need it, or offer help to those who need it most.

  • Who has a gas fireplace in case of a power outage so you can stay warmer longer?
  • Who has a vehicle and can help move pets if you aren’t home?
  • Are you neighbors new? Do they know and understand the hazards of living here?
  • Exchange contact information.

4.0 Review Available Apps

If you are a techy person you might be interested in reviewing the full roster of apps the Provincial and Federal governments have endorsed to help us all.

  • Provincial apps include but are not limited to: 511 Alberta, Alberta Wildfire, Alberta Emergency Alert, AQHI Canada, Alberta Rivers, Alberta Fire Bans. The full list can be viewed here.
  • Federal apps include but are not limited to: WeatherCAN and AQHI Canada. The full list can be viewed here.

5.0 Create a Communications Plan

A communications plan is a document that is laid out in advance and shared with everyone in your family . Laying it out in advance will help ensure that all the members of your household – including children and people with access and functional needs as well as outside caregivers – know how to contact one another, how to get back together and what they might do in different situations.

  • Together, brainstorm your key contacts. We can help you get started by downloading and printing the provided Emergency Contact List.
  • Discuss your family communication methods. What will be the most effective way to stay in touch? It might be phone, text, email or social media. Remember, during disasters, some communication channels may be disrupted so having multiple communication channels is advisable.
  • Agree on Meeting Points: Decide on safe, predetermined locations where you and your contacts can meet if traditional communication fails and be sure everyone is aware of these locations. This is especially important for those living in the same household. Here’s a tip, establish three meeting places and save the locations on the mapping app on every family members’ phone. Choose one near your home, one outside of your immediate community and one outside of Hanna.
  • Update It: Add a reminder in your calendar or ask Alexa or Siri to remind you one year from now to review your Communication Plan together and update anything that’s out of date.

March Mini Emergency Kit Challenge

This month readers are challenged to add an emergency contact list to your kits. And, to make it as easy as possible, we are providing a printable template you can use. Your list should include:

  • Family and close friends who can provide support.
  • Utility providers for power, water and gas.
  • Community contacts such as neighbors or animal shelters

Keep a copy in your mini emergency kit and store one in your phone. A hard copy can be a lifesaver if cell service is down.

Remember, complete your own mini emergency kit by December and you’ll be entered into our year-end contest and the reward already has a value of over $150 and it’s only March!

Stay tuned for April’s challenge and more tips to help you #BePrepared.