Town Office

Our Community



Town Seeking Board Members

Have you ever considered volunteering on a community board or committee? Now is the time!

Vacancies on Council appointed citizen advisory boards and committees are advertised annually and citizens are encouraged to apply. Applications received by Sept. 13 will be reviewed by the respective committees for consideration. Any vacancies remaining, will continue to accept applications.

The following boards have vacancies.

Big Country Housing Authority x 1 opening: This is a management board for affordable government subsidized senior and community housing projects in Hanna & Cereal. Three of the 5 board members are from Hanna. The board holds 4 meetings annually. Appointees serve a two-year term.

Community Services Board x 4 openings: Established by Bylaw 990-2017 for the purpose of providing advice recommendations and assistance to Council regarding culture, recreation, and Family & Community Support Services (FCSS). The board meets a minimum of 5 times per year. Appointees serve a three-year term.

Fred and Freda Geuder Educational Bursary x 1 opening: According to the parameters of Policy 2014-04, this committee provides recommendations for the distribution of the educational bursary. There are 2 members of the community, each serving a two year term. Appointees meet once or twice annually in Sept.

Municipal Library Board x 3 openings: Established by Bylaw 407 in 1971 under the authority of the Libraries Act to provide efficient library services in the Town of Hanna. The board meets during the day on a monthly basis. Appointees serve a three-year term.

Municipal Planning Commission x 1 opening: Established by Bylaw to advise on the planning for orderly, economical and beneficial use of land within town limits. The board meets as needed, averaging 4 times a year.

If you are looking to share your expertise on one or more of the committees listed and are wondering who you might be working with, visit this section of our website: Volunteers,

Once you decide which is right for you, complete and submit an application form. ​Some of the boards need an opportunity to review the applications and make their recommendation to Council before the end of Sept. Many meet only monthly or even quarterly so apply early!