Important Dates
Municipal Elections in Alberta occur every four years on the third Monday in October. That means the next municipal election will be Monday October 20, 2025.
To read about the Municipal Elections, please visit the Alberta Municipal Affairs website.
Returning Officer:
Winona Gutsche
Date in 2025 | Event | Location |
Jan 2 to Sept 22 | ||
Sept 22 at Noon | Nomination Deadline | |
TBD Noon - 6:30 pm | Advance Vote | TBD |
Oct 20 10:00 am - 8:00 pm | Election day | Community Centre |
Oct 20 after 8:00 pm | Unofficial results announced | |
Oct 23 before 11:00 pm | Removal of Election Signs | |
Oct 24 by noon | Official Election Results | |
Oct 26 | Elected Officials Training | Online - Full Day |
Oct 29 time TBD | Swearing in Ceremony | Town Office |
Nov 12-14 | Alberta Municipalities Conference | Calgary |
Information for Candidates
Becoming a candidate in the 2025 Hanna Election is an exciting opportunity to serve Hanna’s citizens and help shape the future. Here you will find essential information and resources to guide candidates through the nomination and election process.
Whether you run for the seat of a Councillor or Mayor, you are encouraged to review the full nomination package. Spend time on this website and Alberta Municipal Affairs website to familiarize yourself with the roles and responsibilities of an Elected Official and explore meeting agendas and minutes to understand current issues and priorities. Links to these important resources can be found by visiting the Resources section on this page.

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Steps to Becoming a Candidate
- Are you eligible?
- Submit your Notice of Intent Form
- File your Nomination Paper
The Local Authorities Election Act requires all municipal candidates to register with the Municipality in which they intend to run before they accept any campaign contributions. The Returning Officer will work with candidates on completing this form after they submit their intention and before they begin to advertise.
Registration for Candidates
The Local Authorities Election Act requires all municipal candidates to register with the Municipality in which they intend to run before they accept any campaign contributions. The Returning Officer will work with candidates on completing this form after they submit their intention and before they begin to advertise.
Nomination Period and Nomination Day
The Nomination Period for the 2025 Municipal Election starts Jan 1, 2025. If you are considering putting your name forth during the Nomination Period, please contact the Returning Officedr to make an appointment for nomination.
Packages are available at the Town Office (302 2 Ave West) and linked below.
Qualifications for Candidates
In order to run for Town Council, you must meet these minimum qualifications:
- 18 years of age or older.
- Canadian citizen.
- Have been a resident of the Town of Hanna for the six consecutive months preceeding Nomination day. (May 20, 2025 or earlier)
- Are not otherwise ineligible or disqualified.
Criteria for Ineligibility
A person is ineligible to become a candidate under any of the following circumstances:
- An auditor of the Town of Hanna
- An employee of the Town of Hanna, unless granted a leave of absence
- If property taxes are more than $50 in arrears or you are in default of more than 90 days for any debt in excess of $500 to the municipality.
- If you have, within the last 10 years, been convicted of an offence under the Local Authorities Election Act, the Election Act, the Election Finances and Contributions Disclosure Act or the Canada Elections Act.
According to the the Local Authorities Election Act the returning officer does not have the authority to challenge the validity of the information provided on nomination papers. The ability to question the eligibility of a candidate or to enforce disqualification, is left to the electors of the municipality.
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Candidate's Nomination Package
Access the Candidate’s Nomination Package for the 2025 Hanna Election below in the Resources section.
Please note that this package is subject to change and is intended as an introduction to the position only. Candidates are encouraged to explore the Town of Hanna website and review Council meeting minutes and agendas for additional information.
Campaign Sign Rules
The Town of Hanna Land Use Bylaw outlines the rules for campaign signs in Part D Section 11.
- Subsection 11.1.2(e) states: Political campaigns do not require a development permit but must comply with all other provisions of this bylaw.
- Subsection 11.1.5 states: No sign shall be erected on or affixed to a municipal property without the prior consent of the Town of Hanna.
The following are not in the bylaw but still pertain to signage:
- You must have authority from property owners to place signs on their property.
- Any advertisement, according to Section 148 (5) LAEA, including Election signs, circular, pamphlet or other paper shall NOT be printed or distributed indicating or showing it to be marked for any candidate.
- Signage needs to be removed from all property by October 23, 2025. Should campaign signs remain posted after this date the Town shall direct the signs be removed with all costs being charged back to the corresponding candidate.
- A candidate (or any member of the public) is not authorized to use the Town’s logo, crest or any other intellectual property owned by or representative of the Town of Hanna.
Campaign Advertising
Candidates are responsible for their own advertising and informing voters of their election platform (s). The Town brand which includes the logo, tag line and brand colors may not be used in any campaign marketing materials.
The Town of Hanna does does not promote or support individual candidate campaigns in order to remain neutral in the election. However, for the 2017 and the 2021 elections, we made it easier for voters to learn about the candidates. To achieve this, all candidates are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity to provide a one to two page document outling their campaign platform and contact details. These documents will be hosted and publicly available for convenient voter access throughout the campaign period.
Any advertisement, according to Section 148 (5)LAEA, including Election signs, circular, pamphlet or other paper shall NOT be printed or distributed indicating or showing it to be marked for any candidate.
Will there be an Election Debate or Forum?
The Town does not conduct any forums for municipal elections in order to remain neutral. The Hanna Chamber of Commerse has advised that they intend to host an election forum. The Town of Hanna will work with the Chamber of Commerce to provide the date, time and location in our email newsletter, community event calendar on our website, our social media page, our weekly flyer and our event kiosks.
Consider signing up for the electronic newsletter by submitting your email address at the bottom of this page.
Voter Information
When is Election Day?
Monday October 20, 2025
The polling station location and hours will be announced soon.

What Voters Need to Know
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Housebound and Advanced Voting
Advance Voting
Advanced Voting is available to all eligible voters of the Town of Hanna. You may choose to vote at the advanced vote or on election day but you may vote only once.
Advanced Voting details will be announced soon. Please check back.
Housebound Vote
If you are physically unable to attend a voting station, you may arrange to vote in your residence. This service is also available to individuals dependent on accessible transportation. This service is only provided on Election Day if you are:
- a housebound voter
- living in your own residence
- unable to attend Advance Voting Polls or the voting station on election day.
You must request this service in advance by contacting the Returning Officer no later than (Date TBA).
Voter Eligibility
Voter Identification is required by all voters. Each voter must produce one piece of identification that establishes both the elector’s name and current address. A Driver’s License or an Alberta Identification Card is acceptable. Photo identification is not required.
Please note there are no voting lists, and voters cannot have someone verbally vouch for them.
You are an eligible voter if you:
- are at least 18 years old
- are a Canadian Citizen
- are a resident of the Town of Hanna on Election Day
- can provide authorized identification
All voters must sign the voting register stating that they meet these qualifications before they will be given a ballot.
Note: Landed immigrants and British subjects are not eligible to vote.
What to Expect at the Voting Station
The Town of Hanna wants to make voting as easy and accessible as possible.
- Come to the Polling Station on any voting day (you can only vote once by law):
- Advanced Voting Days: TBA in 2025
- Election Day: October 20, 2025
- Enter into the Polling Station and proceed to the Registration Table. Election staff will ask you to present identification and to fill out the form indicating you are eligible to vote.
- Proceed to the Ballot Table, where the election worker will offer you the ballot and a pen.
- The Municipal Ballot will contain the selections for the following:
- Mayor (1 position available)
- Councillor (6 positions available)
- Proceed to a private Voting Booth and cast your vote.
- Once your ballot is completed return it to the election staff member who provided it to you. You will then place your own ballot into the ballot box. Then you are done!
- The Municipal Ballot will contain the selections for the following:
Renters and New Canadians
As long as you meet the eligibility requirements for voting, people who rent within the Town of Hanna or new Canadians may be eligible to vote. See above for the full eligibility requirements. AND, Congratulations on becoming a Canadian citizen!
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Registered Voter List
The Government of Alberta has announced new rules regarding registered voter lists. Please watch this page for information as we determine the Town’s actions to meet these rules.
Election Platforms and Debates
The Town of Hanna does not promote or support individual candidate campaigns in order to remain neutral in the election.
However, for the 2017 and the 2021 elections, we made it easier to voters to learn abouit the candidates. To achieve this, we provide all candidates the opportunity to provide a one to two page document outlining their campaign platform and contact details. These documentss will be hosted on the Town of Hanna’s website through out the campaign period for convenient voter access.
The Town does not conduct any forums for municipal elections in order to remain neutral. If a third party organizes an election forum, the Town of Hanna will provide that information in our community event calendar on our website, our social media page, our weekly flyer and our event kiosks.
Ballots are counted by trained elections staff. The count takes place the evening of the election, after polls have closed.
Results will begin to be publicized after ballots are counted, and ballots can be counted only after polls close. This can take a number of hours, depending on the number of votes cast.
The announcement of the unofficial results will appear held on this election page of our website. The official results will come 24 hours later and will be announced using the Town’s official channels:
- Website
- eNews subscribers
- Social Media accounts
Documents, Links and Resources
Hanna Election Forms
Notice of Intent
To be completed submitted to the Returning Officer before Nomination Paper is completed. Candidates who intent to run in the 2025 Hanna Municipal Election can only accept campaign contributions and incur expenses on their notice of intent is complete and they have been added to the Register of Candidates.
Nomination Paper
Form 4: Nomination Paper and Candidates Acceptance.
Requires signatures of at least 5 electors eligible to vote in this election. More details are on the form.
Financial Information
Form 5: Candidate Financial Information
To be completed and retuned to the Returning Officer with your nomination package.
Local Resources
Hanna Candidate Information Package
Updated Mar 21, 2025: This package contains information for prospective candidates for the offices of Mayor and Councillor for the Town of Hanna 2025 election. It contains helpful information and examples of forms that candidates need to complete and submit to the returning officer.
Hanna Land Use Bylaw
#1032-2023. Contains the rules for campaign signs. The purpose of the Land Use Bylaw is to direct the orderly, economic and beneficial development and use of land within the Town of Hanna in accordance with the vision of the Town of Hanna Municipal Development Plan.
Procedural Bylaw
To govern the proceedings and conduct of the members of Council, Council committees and other bodies established by Council.
Council Conduct Bylaw
To establish a code of conduct for the members of Hanna Council.
Budget and Financial Documents
The Municipal Government Act requires every municipality in Alberta to prepare operating and capital budgets for each calendar year. It guides Council when making decisions to fund core services (public health and safety), replace or repair infrastructure (roads, sidewalks, utility lines, buildings, parks) and determine which programs are funded and to what level (youth and senior programs, library, museum)
Provincial and Federal
A Candidate's Guide
Running for municipal office in Alberta [2020]. Links to the Alberta Government Publications site.
Municipal Government Act
Municipalities in Alberta are governed by the Municipal Government Act (MGA) which sets out the purposes and powers of municipalities. Almost everything that the Town of Hanna does originates in the MGA in some way, including municipal governance, planning and development, taxation and assessment and the enforcement of municipal bylaws.
Councillors are not expected to be familir with the entirety of the MGA but being familar with key portions of the legislation is encouraged. There are limits to what the Town of Hanna can and cannot do.
Local Authorities Election Act
Legislation that that guides the conduct of a municipal election of by-election.
About Municipalities - Overview
The Government of Alberta has outlined information on municipalities, what they are, and what they do.
Ready for Her
A series of videos for women running for municipal office.
Running for Office
A series of videos where members of Alberta Municipalities and RMA answer questions about life on Council.
Women and Diversity
Resources for Women
Women in Municipal Government Alberta Municipalities Association
Equal Voice Programs that center around encouraging women, girls and gender-diverse individuals to seek leadership in Canadian politics.
Resources for Diverse Candidates
Equal Voice Programs that center around encouraging women, girls and gender-diverse individuals to seek leadership in Canadian politics.
2SLGBTQQIA+ Resource Hub – Government of Alberta
Post Election Resources
Roles and Responsibilities of Municipal Officials
The Municipal Government Act (MGA) provides that councils can only exercise the powers of the municipal corporation in the proper form, either by bylaw or resolution.
What Every Councillor Needs to Know
A booklet to help understand the powers and duties of a municipal council and an individual councillor. It also provides the context of the Chief Administrative Officer’s role and helps councillors to understand how vital this relationship is.
Updated: Jan 2025
Pecuniary and Conflict of Interest for Councillors
An explanatory document, provided by the Gov of AB and Municipal Affairs. Defines pecuniary interest, conflict of interest and sets out the procedure to follow if a matters in which you have an interest comes up at a council meeting or a committee of council meeting.
Updated: Nov 2024
List of Candidates
The Town of Hanna remains neutral in elections and does not promote individual candidates or campaigns. However, to help voters learn about the candidates for the 2025 election, candidates have been invited to provide a one-to-two page document.
Candidates for Mayor

Document to be linked when provided.

Document to be linked when provided.
Candidates for Councillor

To be linked when available.

To be linked when available.
The Town of Hanna does not endorse or verify the accuracy of any information provided by candidates; all content is supplied by the candidates themselves and is shared solely as a public service, not for official compaigning purposes.
Unofficial Results
0/8 polling stations reporting for Mayor
0/8 polling stations reporting for Councillors