Help in Tough Times
Caring for yourself and others in uncertain times can be challenging. It can be normal to feel anxious and worried, and not know what to do. If you are feeling overwhelmed, taking a moment to acknowledge you are having a normal reaction to an abnormal situation can be a helpful first step. Whatever you are feeling is OK, but know there is help available if you are struggling.
Often when we face stress, our wellness practices and healthy habits may give way to other priorities or concerns. That said, maintaining our wellness physically, mentally, and spiritually during times of stress is one of the most important things we can do both for ourselves and those around us. There are steps that you can take to recharge your battery and prepare for the unknown. Consider the tips in the resources below to help you maintain your wellness.
Addictions & Mental Health
NA – Narcotics Anonymous Hanna
Held locally at the Bethel Evangelical Church basement at 702 Centre Street, Dean welcomes anyone wanting support in a 12-step program. Meetings are open and held Thursdays at 8:00 pm. For information phone Dean at 1-403-820-4050.
Addiction & Mental Health Support in Hanna
Self-refer and by appointment
When: Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Where: Hanna Health Centre – 904 Centre Street, Hanna
Call: 1-888-594-0211
Local: 403-854-5276
Walk-In Addiction Support
Walk-in Wednesdays
Support for those with addiction concerns without an appointment.
Screening and referrals for those with mental health difficulties.
When: Wednesdays from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Where: Upstairs, Provincial Building – 401 Centre Street, Hanna
Alberta Mental Health Resources
Alberta Health Services Mental Health Resources: Resources to help you or someone you know impacted by financial pressures, unexpected difficulties, unemployment, or stressful situations.
Feeling Anxious?
Anxiety Canada provides free, online self-help and evidence-based tools to help manage anxiety including:
- MindShift™ CBT App
- My Anxiety Plan (MAPs) online course
- MindShift™ CBT Groups
Recovery College Canadian Mental Health Association
Everyone is welcome to attend these free courses. No previous experience or prerequisites are required. These are virtual delivery of Canadian Mental Health Association courses that focus on helping people recognize and develop their own resourcefulness and awareness in order to support themselves or their loved one’s recovery journey. The courses are interactive and create positive learning experiences, emphasizing connection, hope, and belonging. Recovery is a journey, not a destination.
Visit the website to learn more: Recovery College Edmonton
Centre for Online Mental Health Support
Live & Interactive this new virtual support group is to help individuals and families cope. While there are many groups offering static programs, or tools that can be downloaded, there was not the ability for large numbers of individuals to gain rapid, interactive support in a live format where they have the opportunity for immediate format and a question and answer opportunity. Visit here: Centre for Online Mental Health Support
Resource for Newcomers
Brooks and County Immigration Services (BCIS) provides settlement services in Hanna. The service is supported by a team of counselors who are here to better serve the growing immigrant population by:
- Provide information to help support newcomers and their families to adjust.
- Assist with enrolling in school, learning a new language, new customs, and a new culture.
- Assist with finding housing, schools, family doctor, employment information, and other family support.
- Assist with completing documents or paperwork that’s unfamiliar.
- Provide access to online webinars and workshops that can help with the transition.
Contact: Kimberlee Groves, Settlement Counselor for Hanna
202 1 Street West, Hanna Library
P: (403) 854-3865 or (403) 978-9100
Child & Family Services
Working cooperatively with the Town of Hanna, CFSA offers information and support to Foster Care, Child Protection Services and Family Violence Protection and ensures that children and families have reasonable access to quality services.
Drumheller District Office 403-823-1767.
Newborns and Parents
Parent and newborn support offered through Primary Care Alberta. A service that refers 8-1-1 callers to registered nurses specializing in postpartum care. You can also call 1-833-BABY (2229).
Counselling Services
Prairie Sky Subsidized Counselling Program
Relationship and family counselling is available to residents in Hanna, Special Areas and Starland County.
The program is made possible through the leadership of Hanna Agricultural Society, Town of Hanna, Special Areas, Starland County, Lynks and Anchor Psychology. Additional contributors have included local service groups and bequests. Subsidies are available for those who meet eligibility requirements. Eligibility will be determined by your income, and will be individually and privately assessed by the counsellor.
You do NOT have to be having marital difficulties, maybe you are experiencing difficulty communicating with your family or extended family. Marriage and Family Therapy can be very broad. You do NOT have to be referred through a doctor or a mental health professional.
What to anticipate during counselling:
- To be treated in a respectful way
- To talk in a safe place
- Conversations to be kept confidential
- To receive support, insight and help with each situation
- To learn, grow and change
- To feel and express emotions
- To work more effectively through relationship conflicts
- Become empowered through self-discovery
- Learn how to cope with the transitions of life (empty nest, marriage, retirement)
For information or to book an appointment, contact one of the practitioners:
Brittany Owens, MC, R. Psych
Ph: 403-334-9599
Kim Olsen, MSW, RSW
Ph: 403-664-9308
Becky Viste, MSW, RSW
Ph: 403-854-5904
Information Brochure
Rapid Access Counselling
Ready When You Are
- Anonymous
- Travel not required
- Low wait time (max 3 business days)
- Low cost
- Uses phone or video
- Available to ALL Albertans
Book online at Rapid Access Counselling Alberta or 1-877-244-2360
Summit Psychology
Offers Individual, Couples & Family Therapy and Assessment. A Clinic is located in Hanna. New patient 24-hour appointment guarantee. Just see your family doctor for a referral and there is no fee as it is covered by Alberta Health Services. Alternatively, you can book directly. Contact Carla Turnquist at (403) 348-5160 or through the website Summit Psychology
A unique mental health service offering an anonymous and save support community, moderated by professionals and counsellors. A range of self-guided support is offered through the 24/7 online community and access to dedicated courses, resources and assessments designed to help you set goals and work through them in a safe, supportive environment.
Go directly to togetherall
Provincial Psychologists of Alberta Telepsychology
Service Provided: 1-3 Sessions Pro-Bono. This is NOT a crisis line.
Many psychologists are using telepsychology. If you need services or assistance during these challenging times, use the Psychologists Association of Alberta Disaster Response Network. They are offering pro-bono psychological services with priority for health care providers and first responders traumatized by recent events. This is NOT a crisis line or a referral service but pro-bono support by volunteer psychologists of 1-3 sessions for those in need. To access this service, contact the Psychologists Association of Alberta by phone: (780) 424-0294 or Toll Free 1-888-424-0297.
Drive Happiness
Drivers are ready and waiting! Book your trip today!
Founded in 1998, Drive Happiness provides safe, reliable, and affordable transportation through volunteer drivers. The service offers door-to-door service to grocery stores, medical appointments, vaccination appointments, or visiting with family and friends.
Town of Hanna is pleased to be a partner in this program and is always looking for volunteers to provide assisted transportation to older adults with mobility challenges. Eligibility includes:
- 65+ years of age
- able to enter and exit vehicles with limited assistance
- able to complete an application form although assistance can be requested
Riders purchase $10 paperless tickets to exchange for rides or deliveries under 40 km and 90 minutes. Rides exceeding these limits require multiple tickets. Rides must be booked by phoning Drive Happiness (1-888-336-4503) at least 3 business days in advance.
Contact Information
T: 1-888-336-4503
9916 45 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T6E 5J1
Drive Happiness Brochure
This brochure outlines the details of the Drive Happiness program and provides contact information for volunteer drivers and riders.
Family Resource Network
Contact: McMan Central
Phone Number: 1 (877) 994-5465 or (403) 820-3573
Family Resource Network (FRN) Services are available for all Albertans with children aged 0 – 18. FRN believes that as long as a child is safe, they can achieve their greatest potential within their family unit. FRN educates parents and caregivers about child development, provides social supports, and offers coping and problem-solving skills in order to build resiliency and success within families and communities.
Services Include:
- Early Childhood Development
- Family Support
- Child and Youth Development
- Home Visitation
- Parent Education
Facebook visit @DrumhellerFRN for Hanna, Three Hills and Drumheller.
Family Resource Workers
Family Resource Workers are located J.C. Charyk School to provide services for individuals, children and families to encourage, promote and enhance social and emotional well-being. The Family Resource Worker for K – Gr. 4 can be reached at 403-854-3642 ext. 6142 and for Grade 5-12 call 403-854-4874.
Tools for Schools
Each fall, just prior to the start of each school year, Tools for Schools provides supplies to students who are financially disadvantaged. The Town of Hanna F.C.S.S. works with the Family Resource Worker at J.C. Charyk School. Supplies are provided based on a confidential review of needs. Parents can contact their Family Resource Worker to inquire if their child might qualify. Call J.C. Charyk School, 403-854-4874.
Food Bank
Open Wed. 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm
Ph: (403) 854-8501
401 Centre Street, Main Floor Provincial Building
Cheques or grocery donations are gratefully accepted.
Hanna Cares
Hanna Cares is not just a tagline. It’s what we do. It defines our daily living and how we interact with each other at work or play.
Are you feeling isolated and alone? Do you have a few hours to spare helping others in our community? Would you like a friendly phone call, assistance with curbside pick up, or even caring for a pet?
Hanna Cares. If you either need assistance or would like to volunteer we want you to register by completing this registration form or by phoning (403) 854-4433.
Volunteers are being matched with those in need - because Hanna Cares.
Healthy Families
Are you a parent with a new baby or a young child under the age of six? Are you committed to providing the best you can for your child? Do you wish your child came with a manual? Are you experiencing other challenges in your life while you try to raise your young family? If you answered yes to any of these questions you may be eligible for the Healthy Families Home Visitation Program.
Trained home visitors can visit you in your home; assist with parenting and child development strategies, or help you manage other family needs or issues that impact your ability to be the parent you want to be. Healthy Families provide support and guidance all in a non-judgmental way.
The free program serves Didsbury, Carstairs, Cremona, Three Hills, Drumheller, Hanna, Strathmore, and surrounding rural areas.
For more information, please contact Accredited Supports to the Community Healthy Families Program Director Lisa Sauve directly at 1-403-586-0665.
Ministerial Association
Coming soon
Snow Angel Program
Snow Angels are anonymous samaritans who offer to clear winter sidewalks for those who are unable due to health or finances. There are always more sidewalks than angels. Please register with Hanna Cares or call the Town Office if you are able to help or need assistance.