Keep Hanna Clean
The Town of Hanna is committed to keeping streets clean and waste collection system running smoothly. To ensure efficient garbage pickup and to prevent litter and animal disturbances, we ask all residents to follow these simple waste disposal rules for limits and...
Lead the Way
The Government of Alberta is asking communities to help with getting word out about an in-person opportunity to lead health care that is being held in Hanna. This engagement session is one of more than 60 taking place across the province in the second round of public...
Volunteer Appreciation Nominations Open
Nominations for the Gordon and Bernice Pincombe Community Volunteer Award are open until Apr 5, 2024.
It’s an Election Year
Are you or someone you know thinking about running in the 2025 Municipal Election? Every four years, Hanna residents can vote for one Mayor and six Councillors. Alberta’s official municipal election day is Monday, October 20, 2025. More information about how and where...
2025 Assessments are in the Mail
Should you have any questions or concerns after comparing your assessment to market values and those of neighboring properties, you are encouraged to contact the Town Office at (403) 854-4433 or the Town of Hanna Assessor, Terry Willoughby of Municipal Property Consultants (2009) Ltd., at (403) 309-4190.
The Power of Communication
Communication is key in an emergency. Emergencies can happen anytime and staying connected can make all the difference. This month, for our #BePrepared message, we are focusing on communication and connections - essential elements of emergency preparedness. The...
Appointment to Library Board
Council-appointed citizen advisory boards and committees provide information, well-considered advice, and recommendations for consideration by Council and administration on important issues.
Deputy Mayor: Councillor Thuroo
Hanna’s Deputy Mayor of the term of Mar 1 to Oct 31, 2025 is Councillor Vern Thuroo.