At Home Alone
Does your child spend a few hours home alone before or after school due to your work schedule or other commitments?
The KidProof At Home Alone workshop is provided annually for students ages 10 and older and will prepare your child to look after themselves. The skills that are taught throughout this workshop will help make both you and your child more confident when they are home alone.
There are a few ways to find out when this will be scheduled:
- Sign up for the Town of Hanna Electronic Newsletter
- Visit the Community Event Calendar
- Contact the Town Office.
Babysitters Safety
There are a few ways to find out when this will be scheduled:
- Sign up for the Town of Hanna Electronic Newsletter
- Visit the Community Event Calendar
- Contact the Town Office.
Bicycle Safety
People of all ages can ride bicycles and even e-bikes, but do they know the rules of the road? This course covers the required safety equipment, where you can ride, and cycling law.
There are a few ways to find out when this will be scheduled:
- Sign up for the Town of Hanna Electronic Newsletter
- Visit the Community Event Calendar
- Contact the Town Office.
Boredom Busters
When school is closed due to holiday or professional development, Boredom Busters is often available to children for Kindergarten to Grade 6 (K-6) at Centennial Place. Children enjoy afternoons of games, crafts, visitors and activities. The fun is supervised by experienced leaders who are trained in HIGH FIVE®and First Aid.
There are a few ways to find out when this will be scheduled:
- Sign up for the Town of Hanna Electronic Newsletter
- Visit the Community Event Calendar
- Contact the Town Office.
Youth Dances
The Hanna and District Youth Club organizes a youth dance four times a year.
Community Centre (503 5th Avenue West)
Gr. K to 9 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm for $5.00
Concession available! Chaperones are needed! To chaperone please contact the Town Office.
There are a few ways to find out when this will be scheduled:
- Sign up for the Town of Hanna Electronic Newsletter
- Visit the Community Event Calendar
- Contact the Town Office.
Early Years Fair
- Do you have questions about your child’s development?
- Would you like to have your child’s vision or hearing screened?
- Wondering if your child is walking and talking like others his/her age?
Attend the Early Years Fair, held in the spring of each year to learn about your child’s development and the programs and services available to families in Hanna.
This program is best suited for families with children ages 0 to 5 years.
There are a few ways to find out when this will be scheduled:
- Sign up for the Town of Hanna Electronic Newsletter
- Visit the Community Event Calendar
- Contact the Town Office.
Epic Adventures Summer Program
Summer holidays can be a blast for your child when they are signed up with Epic Adventures! This fun and economical program seeks excitement every themed week; whether it be science experiments, sports, theatre, visiting many of the parks around town, swimming, games and crafts, welcoming visiting instructors or field trips, our campers encounter new challenges daily.
Our leaders are Caring Adults, often post-secondary students, with experience and enthusiasm, which is a perfect fit for all children that come through our doors. The Town of Hanna has embraced High Five®, Canada’s only Quality Assurance Framework designed to support the safety, well-being and healthy development of children aged 5 -12 in recreation and sport programs. All staff are provided training in High Five® ‘Principles of Healthy Child Development’ and First Aid.
There are a few ways to find out when this will be scheduled:
- Sign up for the Town of Hanna Electronic Newsletter
- Visit the Community Event Calendar
- Contact the Town Office.

Location: Centennial Place
Address: 501B 3rd Street West
Phone: (403) 854-4700
Times: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Lunch-hour supervision is provided.
Pre-registration is recommended. Centennial Place is the location of the program and where you may register in person with cash, cheque, debit, e-transfer and credit card (fees apply) available as payment methods.
Payment plans can be arranged and financial assistance may be available through the Hanna Community Youth Fund. Contact the Community Services Programmer or chat with the Epic Adventures Program Manager with any questions or concerns.
Skate with Santa
Santa takes an afternoon away from the workshop and heads to Hanna every year to spend time ice-skating, playing games and enjoying snacks. Everyone is welcome to attend this free event and welcome Santa to Hanna.
There are a few ways to find out when this will be scheduled:
- Sign up for the Town of Hanna Electronic Newsletter
- Visit the Community Event Calendar
- Contact the Town Office.
Teen Activity Fair
The Hanna & District Youth Club and Hanna FCSS organize the Hanna Teen Fair every second year to provide young people with a fun-filled day of healthy experiences that the community has to offer. Students in grades 7 – 12 from Hanna and area are encouraged to come and participate – free of charge.
Youth are encouraged to come and try different activities such as rock climbing, zorb balls, ride in a plane, go to the gun range and so much more. People representing RCMP, Alberta Health Services Addictions, Hanna Fire Department, FCSS, REACH, The Rod & Gun Club, Hanna Flying Association, 4-H, Kayaking Club, Hanna Cruisers, Hanna Library, and many more are just some of the examples of organizations available to talk to teens about what they do. The day usually wraps up with a Much Music Video Dance.
There are a few ways to find out when this will be scheduled:
- Sign up for the Town of Hanna Electronic Newsletter
- Visit the Community Event Calendar
- Contact the Town Office.
Youth Drop-in Recreation
Offered every school day, youth 12 years and up are welcome to drop into Centennial Place for activities in the Canalta Field House. Pass holders are permitted at no charge. All others are required to pay the drop-in fee. Drop-in operates to coincide with the school year.
There are a few ways to find out when this will be scheduled:
- Sign up for the Town of Hanna Electronic Newsletter
- Visit the Community Event Calendar
- Contact the Town Office.