Town Office

Our Community



Business Licensing

All businesses wishing to operate or sell goods or services within the Town corporate limits require a Business License. Bylaw Number 889-2000 requires that business licenses be renewed annually, expiring on December 31st of each year. This includes general contractors (construction industry), commercial businesses, home-based businesses and hawkers/peddlers. A charitable or non-profit organization carrying on a business for fund-raising shall be exempt from licensing requirements.

BizPaL Online Business Permits and Licenses is a partnership involving governments at all levels. Provinces, territories, and hundreds of municipalities have collaborated together to provide information regarding the licenses and permits that may be required to start and grow your business. 

Where do I apply for a license?

Anyone wishing to apply for a business license can obtain an application from the Town Office in person or you can open and complete a fillable version of the Application for a business license below. The completed application can be dropped off at the Town Office during regular business hours or it can be mailed, faxed, or emailed for approval.

Business License

Application to operate a business within the Town of Hanna.

How much does a business license cost?

That depends on the type of business you wish to carry on. The following is a matrix of the business license fees applied to each different business type or class:

Daily Weekly Quarterly Annually
Commercial n/a n/a $25 $50
Residential n/a n/a $50 $100
Non-Assessed – Residing within a 60km radius of Hanna n/a n/a $50 $100
Non-Assessed – Residing outside a 60km radius of Hanna $50 $100 $200 $400

Please note that business licenses are not prorated.

I want to start a home based business (Home Occupation). What do I need to do?

The rules governing the Home Occupations can be found in the Land Use Bylaw. Before applying for a Business License, the Land Use Bylaw regulations require that you first take out a Development Permit for Home Occupation.  The cost of a development permit is $10.00. The Bylaw states that home occupations are a discretionary use in all residential districts and therefore subject to closer scrutiny by the Town, the the Development Officer or the Municipal Planning Commission as well as your surrounding neighbours. There is a fourteen day (14) appeal period after the Development Authority grants approval of your development permit application. This allows your neighbours and concerned citizens an opportunity to closely review your application and decide if your proposed business venture will adversely affect them and the neighbourhood. A strict set of rules for home occupations generally reduces their fears and many applications go through without appeal. If there is no appeal after the two week period, the business can then apply for a Business License. Business licenses are valid for one year (Jan.1st – Dec. 31st). Reminder notices are sent out in January of each year, however the onus is on each business to renew occupation business licenses can be revoked at any time for breach of the Bylaw.

Home Business Development Application: 

Development Application for Home Businesses

If you are wanting to operate your business from your home, you must have approval. Once approval is granted, you can purchase your license.

Business License:

Business License

Application to operate a business within the Town of Hanna.

I am starting a new business in an existing business location, however I am planning to make some changes to the building. What do I need to do?

Please be aware that if there will be structural changes to a building or a change in use or intensity of use, a Development Permit for Signs and some sign installations may require a Building Permit and/or an electrical permit. The Land Use Bylaw contains the definitions and regulations regarding signs and sign installation.

Development Application for Signs

Any sign on land or fixed to a structure must be approved before being installed.