Town Office

Our Community



Your Town Your Say

Why Engage?

By sharing your knowledge and opinions, exchanging ideas, and offering feedback, you can help build Hanna and the Harvest Sky Region.

We know everyone won’t agree on everything all the time.  That’s OK – the exchange of ideas through respectful debate and conversations that can lead to real improvements in our community.

Your contribution to the development of projects, policies, programs, and services will help make sure that decision-making is well informed. This “Your Town Your Say” page on our website brings together the Town of Hanna’s engagement efforts in a single convenient place.  We have a range of ways for you to interact.  You may need to sign up to join the conversation and to follow projects that may interest you.

We look forward to hearing what you have to say.

Projects Open for Feedback

The Animal Control Bylaw 1035-2024 proposes changes including the addition of urban hen-keeping. Before completing the following survey, please visit to learn the changes proposed and how they will impact you and your community. Then, consider the method you want to use to provide your input. Letter, email, public hearing or survey. The survey opens Sept. 6 and closes Sept. 22, 2024.

Residents Asked to Research Responsible Pet Ownership

Residents Asked to Research Responsible Pet Ownership

In the coming weeks, residents will begin to see and hear more about the proposed bylaw changes. Residents are encouraged to review the information, consider the impacts to the community and participate in the opportunities that will be available to provide their input.

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Hanna Council Considers Backyard Hens in Bylaw Update

Hanna Council Considers Backyard Hens in Bylaw Update

In the coming weeks, residents will begin to see and hear more about the proposed bylaw changes. Residents are encouraged to review the information, consider the impacts to the community and participate in the opportunities that will be available to provide their input.

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Create your own survey.