The Municipal Government Act allows municipalities to create bylaws and policies designed to ensure citizens have a high quality of life. Below, you’ll find information on the Town of Hanna’s bylaws and policies.
Advertising Bylaw
#1030-2023 To establish alternate methods for advertising statutory notices. Approved Mar 14, 2023.
Animal Control Bylaw
#1035-2024. Provides for the control of animals. Contains licensing, fees, enforcement, penalties, fanciers, and more. Approved Dec 10, 2024.
Animal Control Bylaw Amendment
Approved Feb 11, '25: Bylaw #1037-2025 is a bylaw to update Schedule A License Fees.
Animal Control Bylaw Schedule A
Approved Feb 11, '25: Schedule A sets the fees and penalties by bylaw #1037-2024 Animal Control Bylaw Amendment.
Burning Bylaw
#902-2002. To control open burning within town limits.
Business License Bylaw
#977-2015 Providing for the licensing and regulation of businesses, occupations, and properties within the Town of Hanna.
Bylaw Complaint Form
Download and complete this form before presenting to Bylaw Enforcement at the Town Office.
Bylaw Complaints Online Form
Navigate to the online form to submit your bylaw complaint electronically.
Cannabis Consumption Bylaw
#998-2018. To regulate the consumption of Cannabis.
Cemetery Bylaw
#1021-2021: To provide for the control and regulation of the Hanna Municipal Cemetery.
Council Conduct Bylaw
#994-2018. To establish a code of conduct for members of Council.
Council Procedure Bylaw
#1015-2021. To govern the proceedings and the conduct of the members of Council, Council committees and other bodies established by Council.
Disturbance Log
This document may be used to log noise disturbances including barking dogs.
Fireworks Bylaw
#970-2013. To regulate the sale, use, and storage of fireworks, explosives, or other highly flammable or matter and the use of firearms.
Land Use Bylaw
#1032-2023. To direct the orderly, econoic and beneficial development and use of land within the TOwn of Hanna in accordance with the vision of the Town of Hanna Municipal Development Plan.
Adopted Nov 14, 2023. Effective Jan 1, 2024.
Municipal Development Plan Vol 1
Volume 1 contains Background Studies and Issues. It is not adopted by bylaw but was approved by Council in 2013.
Municipal Development Plan Vol 2
Volume 2 contains the Municipal Development Plan Bylaw #968-2013 and policies.
Noise Control Bylaw
#944-2008. To provide for the regulation of noise control. Also contains the Special Event Permit.
Public Tree Bylaw
Regulates the planting, maintenance and removal of trees located on Town property.
RCMP Motor Vehicle Collision Statement
Provided by the Hanna RCMP for local citizens thereby reducing foot traffic into the detachment.
Smoking Bylaw
#920-2005. Regulating smoking in public facilities owned and operated by the Town of Hanna. Named Non-Smoking Bylaw.
Tax Payment Bylaw
#1011-2020. To establish procedures for the payment of taxes by installments and the imposition of penalties on unpaid taxes.
Tax Rate Bylaw
approved May 14, 2024
Traffic Bylaw
#936-2007. To control and regulate vehicle, animal, and pedestrian traffic.
Traffic Bylaw Amendment 1
Unsightly Property and Snow Removal Bylaw
#947-2009. To regulate and abate nuisances and unsightly premises and to require timely snow removal.
Utility Bylaw
#1006-2020. To provide control for the municipal public utilities system including water, sewer, and solid waste.
Utility Bylaw Amendment 1
#1014-2021 to amend the water charges per cubic meter from $2.55 to $2.89 effective Jan 1, 2021
Utility Bylaw Amendment 2
#1019-2021 to amend Waste Management fee from $37.50 to $44 per billing period effective May 1, 2021
Utility Bylaw Amendment 3
#1023-2021 to amend the water charges per cubic meter from $2.89 to $2.94 effective Jan 1, 2022.
Utility Bylaw Amendment 4
#1028-2022 to amend the water charges per cubic meter from $2.94 to $3.00 effective Jan 1, 2023.
Utility Bylaw Amendment 5
#1033-2024 to amend the water charges per cubic meter from $3.00 to $3.06 effective Jan 1, 2024. Approved by Council Feb 13, 2024.
Utility Bylaw Amendment 6
#1036-2025 to amend the water charges per cubic meter from $3.06 to $3.12 effective Jan 1, 2025. Approved by Council Jan 14, 2025.
Waste Bylaw
#825-1994. Providing for the collection and disposal of garbage, refuse and waste within the boundaries of the Town of Hanna.
Adopt A Tree Policy
This policy allows approved trees to be purchased at the request of any person wishing to recognize a loved one, celebrate an event, recognize a business or enhance the community.
Commemorative Bench Policy
Policy 2024-02: Approved Nov. 12, 2024, the Commemorative Bench Policy outlines the method and includes the form and information for requesting a memorial bench.
Community Services Facilities & Programs Rates Policy
Policy #2025-02: Rates and fees policy for facilities and programs. Approved by Council Mar 11, 2024. Effective April 1, 2025.
Hosting Grant
Policy for assistance to host Provincial or National Events using Hanna facilities.
Public Hearing Notice
August 9, 2023
At their regular meeting held on August 8, 2023, Hanna Town Council scheduled the date for the public hearing for the new Land Use Bylaw 1032-2023 (Version 2). The public hearing provides the opportunity for affected persons to provide feedback to Hanna Council on the proposed bylaw.
Should you wish to address Hanna Council in person, a public hearing for Bylaw 1032-2023 will be held in the Town of Hanna Community Centre at 503 – 5 Avenue West on Sept 13, 2023, commencing at 9:00 am. Council will hear from any person claiming to be affected by the proposed bylaw.
Additionally, written comments may be delivered to Box 430, 302 2 Avenue West, Hanna, Alberta T0J 1P0 or emailed. Submissions will be received up to Sept. 11, 2023 at 4:30 pm.
The proposed Land Use Bylaw 1032-2023 can be reviewed online by clicking the links below or copies may be viewed Monday through Friday at the Town Office 302 2 Avenue West, Hanna during business hours. Mon-Fri 8:30 am – 4:30 pm.
What are the next steps in the process?
Following the public hearing, Council will consider the bylaw for second and third reading. Council can make amendments to the bylaw at second and third reading.
How is the Land Use Bylaw approved?
Council considers the approval of a Land Use Bylaw through three readings of a bylaw. The formal public hearing is required to be held between first and second reading of the bylaw. Council can make amendments to the bylaw at second or third reading of the bylaw to address concerns heard at the public hearing.
The Land Use Bylaw comes into effect after it receives three readings however, an effective date will be chosen and written into the bylaw for transparency and clarification. It is anticipated that the bylaw come into effect Jan 1, 2024.
- Notice of Public Hearing
- Land Use Bylaw 1032-2023 as given first reading by Council.
- Land Use Districts Map as given first reading by Council.
- The proposed Telecommunications Structure Policy which should be adopted by Council on the same date as the third reading of the new Land Use Bylaw 1032-2023 and become effective on the same date.
Notice of Public Hearing Sept 13 2023
The Council of the Town of Hanna will hold a public hearing prior to the second reading of Land Use Bylaw 1032-2023.
Hanna Land Use Bylaw First Reading 1032-2023 V.2
Received first reading at the Hanna Town Council meeting held June 13, 2023.
Hanna Land Use Districts Map First Reading
Land Use Districts Map is not included in the bylaw document because the map is a very large file and can be difficult to interpret on a small page. The map is provided here as a separate file, which gives the user more control over sizing and viewing.
Telecommunication Structure Policy V2
The Proposed Telecommunications Structure Policy. To be adopted by Council at third reading of the new Land Use Bylaw 1032-2023.
Update Jun 14, ’23 Regarding Land Use Bylaw
June 14, 2023
At their regular meeting held June 13, Hanna Town Council gave first reading to the new Land Use Bylaw 1032-2023 (Version 2). This motion brings the bylaw document forward so the general public can officially review, ask questions, and present concerns or express agreement with some or all of the changes.
What are the next steps in the process?
A date for a public hearing will be set at the Aug 8, 2023 meeting. The Public Hearing date will be advertised once it has been set. It was determined that holding the public hearing in July or August may not be well received by the public and those who wish to speak at the public hearing. It is anticipated that the public hearing will be held in Sept, which will give Hanna residents and businesses sufficient time to review the bylaw and prepare for the hearing.
The date will be announced once it has been decided. It is anticipated that the date may be determined at the Aug 8 Council Meeting.
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How is the Land Use Bylaw approved?
Council considers the approval of a Land Use Bylaw through three readings of a bylaw. The formal public hearing is required to be held between first and second reading of the bylaw. Council can make amendments to the bylaw at second or third reading of the bylaw to address concerns heard at the public hearing.
The Land Use Bylaw comes into effect after it receives three readings however, an effective date will be chosen and written into the bylaw for transparency and clarification. It is anticipated that the bylaw come into effect Jan 1, 2024.
The following five documents were provided to Council at their June 13 meeting.
- Land Use Bylaw 1032-2023 as given first reading by Council.
- Land Use Districts Map with zoning changes as given first reading by Council.
- Attachment 1 is the “Responses to What We Heard Report” and provides detailed responses to every comment and question received. This report also provides a recommendation for if and how each concern is considered in the revised Land Use Bylaw.
- Attachment 2 is a redline version of the revised Land Use Bylaw 1032-2023 showing the changes from the document presented at the public open house on Feb 23, 2023 (Version 1) to the document now presented for first reading (Version 2). A redline document is a form of editing that uses red ink to indicate the removal or addition of text.
- Attachment 3 is a revised version of the proposed Telecommunications Structure Policy. This has been provided to Council for information only at this point. This policy should be adopted by Council on the same date as the third reading of the new Land Use Bylaw 1032-2023 and become effective on the same date.
Hanna Land Use Bylaw First Reading 1032-2023 V.2
Received first reading at the Hanna Town Council meeting held June 13, 2023.
Hanna Land Use Districts Map First Reading
Land Use Districts Map is not included in the bylaw document because the map is a very large file and can be difficult to interpret on a small page. The map is provided here as a separate file, which gives the user more control over sizing and viewing.
Attachment 1 - Responses to What we Heard Report
Detailed responses to resident comments and questions that were compiled into the "What We Heard Report". Also includes a recommendation for if and how each concern is considered in Version 2 of the Land Use Bylaw.
Attachment 2 - LUB Redline Version
A redline version of the revised Land Use Bylaw 1032-2023 (Version 2) showing the changes proposed to the new Land Use Bylaw in accordance with the "Responses to What We Heard" report.
Telecommunication Structure Policy V2
The Proposed Telecommunications Structure Policy. To be adopted by Council at third reading of the new Land Use Bylaw 1032-2023.
Update May 10, ’23 Regarding Draft Land Use Bylaw
May 10, 2023
Administration has met with Palliser Regional Municipal Services Staff to review the questions and suggestions from the “What we Heard Report” that was accepted by Council for information at their April 11, 2023, Council Meeting. There will be a need for additional meetings to finish the review and implement changes to the draft Land Use Bylaw – version 2.
What are the next steps in the process?
It is anticipated that version 2 of the Land Use Bylaw will be presented to Council at the June 13, 2023 Council Meeting for first reading. A date for the public hearing will be set at that time, likely in September. It was determined that holding the public hearing in July or August may not be well received by the public and those who wish to speak at the public hearing.
How is the Land Use Bylaw approved?
Council considers the approval of a Land Use Bylaw through three readings of a bylaw. A formal public hearing is also required after first reading of the bylaw. Council can make amendments to the bylaw at any of the three readings of the bylaw. The Land Use Bylaw comes into effect after it receives three readings. An effective date will be chosen and written into the bylaw for transparency and clarification.
Update April 13, ’23 Regarding Draft Land Use Bylaw
Apr 13, 2023
At its regular meeting of Apr 11, 2023, Hanna Council accepted the What We Heard Report for information. You can view a copy of the report in the section for LUB Open House Docs below. This report is a collection of all the feedback from the open house, surveys, phone calls, meetings and emails with regards to the Draft LUB (Version 1) received by the Mar 22, 2023 deadline.
What are the next steps in the process?
Hanna Council also provided direction on April 11 to its Administration and Palliser to analyze the comments in the What We Heard Report and begin preparing a second version of the Draft LUB and the Telecommunications Structure Policy. Once ready, the second version of the LUB will be presented to Council for first reading. It is anticipated that a second draft may be ready for Council consideration at its May or June meeting.
Although Palliser will not be accepting any comments on the Draft LUB during the revision process, Hanna residents and businesses will be able to provide further comments on the second version at the formal public hearing, which will be scheduled following first reading of the bylaw.
How is the Land Use Bylaw approved, and when will it come into effect?
Council considers the approval of a Land Use Bylaw through three readings of a bylaw. A formal public hearing is also required after first reading of the bylaw. Council can make amendments to the bylaw at any of the three readings of the bylaw. The Land Use Bylaw comes into effect after it receives three readings. An effective date will be chosen and written into the bylaw for transparency and clarification.
It was anticipated the new Land Use Bylaw could be in effect by May 1, 2023. With the additional time being added to the process, a new date will need to be determined. It is most likely that the new bylaw will not come into effect until fall 2023.
Update Feb 27, ’23 Regarding Draft Land Use Bylaw
Feb 27, 2023
Palliser Regional Municipal Services and the Town of Hanna would like to thank everyone for their attendance at the Open House held on February 23, 2023. You can view a copy of the poster boards presented at the Open House here. Due to the overwhelming turnout and residents’ desires to provide feedback, more time will be required to complete the process than was originally anticipated.
Affected residents and business owners within the Town of Hanna are encouraged to take additional time to review the new Draft Land Use Bylaw, the proposed changes to the Land Use Map, the Summary of Proposed Changes and Rationale, and the proposed Telecommunication Structure Policy.
Palliser staff and Town Administration remain available to answer questions and discuss any resident of Hanna or business owner concerns. You can download and complete a copy of the Draft Land Use Bylaw survey form here.
You can submit your written comments directly to Tracy at You can also deliver your written comments to the Town or Palliser Offices in Hanna. Comments must be received by March 22, 2023.
What are the next steps in the process?
Palliser staff will consolidate all comments and feedback received into a “What We Heard Report”. The report will be used to direct revisions to the Draft Land Use Bylaw. Palliser and the Town will determine if further opportunities, such as a survey or open house, will be required based on the number of changes to the draft and any outstanding questions that require further clarification or direction.
How is the Land Use Bylaw approved, and when will it come into effect?
Council considers the approval of a Land Use Bylaw through three readings of a bylaw. A formal public hearing is also required after first reading of the bylaw. Council can make amendments to the bylaw at any of the three readings of the bylaw.
The Land Use Bylaw comes into effect after it receives three readings. An effective date will be chosen and written into the bylaw for transparency and clarification. It was anticipated the new Land Use Bylaw could be in effect by May 1, 2023. With the additional time being added to the process, a new date will need to be determined.
The documents following are referenced above.
Hanna LUB open house poster boards
The poster boards that were available at the Open House held Feb 23, 2023.
Hanna Draft Land Use Bylaw_survey and comment form
Survey and Comment Form regarding the Draft Land Use Bylaw.
Town of Hanna-Telecommunication Structure Policy
Proposed policy regarding telecommunication structures.