Jun 17, 2024
The 200 and 300 blocks on 2 Avenue West will be without water Mon June 17 from approximately 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. The construction crew knocked on doors and were able to speak to most of the residents in the 300 block that would be affected. Tues, June 18, the 300 block will be without water mid-morning for a couple of hours.
Open During Construction
In an effort to support the affected businesses, the Town of Hanna has offered to assist with getting business related messages to their customers by using this newsletter and the weekly flyer. Keep watching for updates.
Jun 11, 2024
The week will focus on ensuring all affected businesses have temporary water. Equipment will begin to arrive and the block will be closed. Brooks Asphalt will begin to remove the pavement next week. *All updates provided are subject to change.
Jun 5, 2024
Construction on the 2nd Avenue Downtown Redevelopment project is scheduled to start Monday, June 10, 2024. Phase 1 of the project encompasses the 200 block of 2nd Avenue West. Specifically, 2nd Ave West from the 4-way stop at the Dental Clinic to 3 Street West at ATB and the Town Office.
Traffic will be rerouted for approximately 6-8 weeks. Parking is still available on the side-streets and in the Town parking lot behind the Library. Pedestrian access will be maintained with temporary boardwalk sidewalks. Residents are encouraged to continue to support the businesses along the construction area(s).
This project is one of three projects that were successful with their application for PrairiesCan funding provided through the Canada Coal Transition Initiative-Infrastructure Fund (CCTI-Fund). The Hanna Downtown project received a federal investment of more than $4.1 million.
For a history of the project and concept designs, please visit: hanna.ca/downtown-redevelopment
The other successful projects include the Sheerness Industrial Park & Reservoir and the Hanna Roundhouse Rehabilitation. For the official press release about the Prairies-Can funding, please visit here: Harvest Sky Region Busy with Canada Coal Transition Initiative Infrastructure Projects this Summer.