Recognized annually across Alberta, Senior’s Week takes place Jun 3-9, 2024. This is an opportunity to show appreciation for older adults and the many contributions they make to Hanna through volunteerism, assisting charities, and supporting family members and friends.
We invite all organizations, groups, local businesses and everyday citizens to celebrate the week to recognize Seniors’ Week. The hope is to increase awareness of the week, recognize the contributions this generation is and had made to their communities, and to develop a positive attitude towards aging. Events can be added to the Town of Hanna event calendar by visiting hanna.ca/add.
The Town of Hanna attempts to include all community activities that are held to honour Seniors in our advertising to help get the word out. The Town is also offering a wide range of free activities that include fitness, art, social events, and more! You don’t have to be a Senior to participate in many of the events. Be sure to check the Event Calendar at hanna.ca/events and look for Seniors’ Week on June 3 as the week draws closer.
Reminder: Register for the Mayor’s Garden Party by May 31! Just call the office at 403-854-4433.
Schedule of Events
Mon Jun 3
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm: Strawberry Tea at Scapa Hall, North of Hanna.
Don’t miss this annual event, hosted by the Scapa community for an afternoon of visiting, door prizes and refreshments. Donations are welcome. You don’t have to be a Senior to attend! Open to everyone.
Tues Jun 4
10:00 am to Noon at Legion: Coffee at the Legion. Everyone welcome.
Noon (doors open at 11:00 am): Mayor’s Garden Party, Community Centre
The highlight of the week, this year Mayor Povaschuk invites Senior’s to a Tea Party Luncheon that includes sandwich platters and and treats. This is a FREE event but you must be registered at the Town office before May 31 in order to attend. 403-854-4433.
Noon – 12:45 pm: Shallow Water Workout, Pool
Another free program (for Seniors’ Week only), join the pool staff for this light-intensity workout.
Wed Jun 5
Noon to 1:00 pm: Jumbo Jim’s Hotdogs, #2 Parkview Manor
Another fan favorite that needs no explanation. Jim is coming out of retirement to fire up the BBQ. Join him and Angela for free lunch.
1:30 pm – 3:00 pm: Painting with Sheila – Library.
Registration is required. Call Kim with PCN at 403-321-4727.
Thurs Jun 6
10:00 am : Coffee at the Legion. Everyone welcome.
10:00 am: Seniors’ Resources & Coffee at Lynks:
Learn about resources available for seniors while enjoying a fresh hot coffee.
Noon to 12:45 pm: Shallow Water Workout at the Pool
Another free program (for Seniors’ Week only), join the pool staff for this light-intensity workout.
Fri Jun 7
2:00 pm: Banana Splits! Acadia Lodge.
5: 00 pm: Evening Social, Legion Hall
All are welcome to join for an evening social upstairs.