Now that we’ve practised and implemented strategies to deter and impede against burglaries, you will want to investigate options for alerting yourself and authorities of a suspicious presence. Next we delve into the principle of Alerting Systems that can provide early detection of suspicious activity.
In the past, security cameras were expensive and complicated to set up and they required extensive wiring and on-site data storage that was vulnerable to being stolen during the break-in. Today, there are a number of very affordable options that allow you to scale a camera system from a single camera to multiple cameras and to store the video in a cloud-based data system. Cloud based storage makes it impossible for a burglar to tamper with once the images have been captured. Many of the newer, wifi-based systems require no wiring other than a wall electrical socket, and they can send immediate notifications to your cell phone so that you can be quickly informed if someone is on your property or in your home. Some of them can also differentiate between people that ‘belong’ at the home and those that don’t.
Most major electronics and home improvement businesses sell these cameras and they are easy to install. There are businesses locally that can assist with any questions as well. If you are not comfortable with setting up a D.I.Y. camera system, there are security companies that can provide monitored security systems to notify you and the police if there is unauthorized entry.
“Implementing a reliable alert system, such as security cameras or monitored systems, can provide early detection of suspicious activity and prompt response from authorities.
Next, we will discuss strategies for summoning help effectively during a potential break-in, completing our comprehensive guide to home security.”
Sergeant Rob Welsman
Hanna Detachment Commander