Town Office

Our Community



Council Meetings

Council Meetings

Presentations to Council

The public presentation portion of each regular Council meeting is a time set aside for members of the public to bring forward information to Council that may not need immediate resolution. There are two opportunities to present during each meeting. Groups or individuals may approach Council as a delegation according to the information provided below. 


If you feel strongly about a public issue or a local concern, you are encouraged to share your information and thoughts with Council. Because many issues can be resolved at the administrative level, discuss your concerns with administration prior to appearing before Council. Town staff can give you valuable background information on the issue in question and/or recommend appropriate steps that may mean you don’t need to appear before Council or that may help set the stage for a meaningful, constructive meeting with Council.

Requesting An Appearance Before Council

In order to appear as a delegation at a regular Council meeting, you should submit a request via email, fax, regular mail or in person, addressed to the Mayor and Council. Your request should include:

  • The subject matter you wish to present and a summary your concerns,
  • Any relevant background information to support your comments, and
  • The name and contact information of the designated presenter(s).

Your information must be received in the week prior to the Council meeting date you wish to attend. This gives staff time to review your request, advise the Mayor and Council and, if necessary, conduct background research. Town staff will confirm to the date and time you are invited to address Council, the length of your presentation and whether or not you require audio/visual support.

Please note that all delegations’ letters and any accompanying documents are included as a part of the regular Council agenda package, which is published on the Town’s website and available for public viewing at the Town Office and at the Council meeting.

If you have an issue of importance but do not feel the need to speak in front of Council, you may send a letter to administration or to one of your elected officials. All letters are addressed in a timely manner.

Appearing Before Council

Delegations are scheduled on the Council meeting agenda and the Mayor – Deputy Mayor if the Mayor is absent –  will invite representatives to the podium or table to speak. Presenters have a limited amount of time to share their concerns, usually 15 minutes.

Following the presentation, Council may or may not ask questions of the delegation, as well as of administration, or provide comment with respect to the information presented. Upon closure of the discussion, Council may make a decision or refer the item to the appropriate Town department for further input or advice.


Depending on the issue and degree of information provided, Council may decide on an action immediately or take time for further review. If you would like clarification on an issue discussed, the decision made or the status of the decision, please contact administration, who will provide you with the appropriate information.

Council Meeting Packages


June 2021 Council Meeting Package

Items on the agenda include Appeal board appointment, council code of conduct complaint, coal development eastern slopes, covid operating plan update, 7:00 pm joing public hearing, bylaw 2016-2021 and bylaw 2017-2021


Jul 2021 Council Meeting Package

Items on the agenda include:

Fire Dep't update
Cancellation of Jul 28 Council Meeting
Poppy Project Location
Legion Lease Agreement
Columbarium Purchase
Provincial Cost Recovery Project
Doug Todd Memorial Park
Comm. Cent. Renovation Plan Update

Version: 1

Aug 2021 Council Meeting Package

Items on the agenda include: Hanna RCMP detachment report, Repeal of Cemetery rates policy, Branding guidelines, Victim Services funding reduction, Election details (advance vote, elector assistance, joint with PLRD), Tax recovery public auction, Land use bylaw amendment.


Sept 2021 Council Meeting Package

Agenda items include:
 - Project update from GFL Environmental
 - Covid-19 Operating plan update
 - 2021 taxation report
 - bylaw 1022-2021 Redesignation
7:00 pm Public Hearing


Nov 2021 Council Meeting Package

Delegations include Sgt. Raimo Loo, RCMP and Library Director, Kathleen Morken. New business includes: CSB member, CSB grant, budget meeting dates, demo project amendment and covid operating plan update.

Version: 1

Dec 2021 Council Meeting Package

Delegations include: APEX Utilities, Elks Lodge #451, A. Waldie (re: GFL Environmental)

Business Items include Operating & Capital budgets, Real estate services, VIC Operation, Centennial Place Sponsorship, Library Board Appointment

Version: 2

Jan 2022 Council Meeting Package

Items on the agenda include: Annual development statistics, fire department year-end, appointment of Development Officer and Director of Emergency Management and Canada reopening grant.

Version: 1

Feb 2022 Council Package

Items on the agenda include

Quarterly report from Hanna RCMP
SPCA update
Peace officer agreement
Comm. Cent. renovation grant application
Library Board - Safety & Use Bylaw

Version: 1

Mar 2022 Council Meeting Package

Items on the agenda include a presentation by JC Charyk School regarding a bird raising project, operating grant for Hanna SPCA, arena condenser replacement, tennis court resurfacing project, municipal sustainability agreement, Farmers' Market committee subsidized rent request and council remuneration and expenses policy.

Version: 1

April 2022 Council Meeting Package

Items on the agenda include: 2021 Financial Statements, Cpl. Robert Welsman intro, GFL Site Concerns, Fire Department 1st quarter report and Contract for Financial Services.

Version: 1

May 2022 Council Meeting Package

Items on the agenda include: 2022 budget approval, crosswalk at 2 ave and 2 st west, ATCO Electric franchise agreement, drinking water safety plan adoption, and the tax rate bylaw.


June 2022 Council Meeting Package Pt I

Part I of II. Presentation fr. Hanna Elks, Reports, Updates and Agreement from Marigold Library System.

Version: 22-06-13

June 2022 Council Meeting Package Pt II

Part II of II. Assessment Services Contract, CSB Appointment, Power Plus Agreement and Tax Recovery Auction Date

Version: 22-06-13

July 2022 Council Meeting Package

Items on the agenda include a presentation from Heartland Generating Station by Ellison Krismer, reports regarding the fire department, development permits issued and emergency management, by-election, signage plan, and speed bump request.

Version: 2022-07-11

August 2022 Council Meeting Package

Items on the agenda include Shacker Crescent Alley - Speed Bump request, Senior Amenity Zone Project Tender Award.

Version: 2022-08-09

September 2022 Council Meeting Package

Items on the agenda include Update Drive Happiness program, Grants for Organizations and Compost Pick-Up.

Version: 2022-09-13

Oct 2022 Council Meeting Package

Items on the agenda include Quarterly reports regarding the fire department, development activity and emergency management. Recipients of the Fred and Freda Geuder Bursary,  Federal Electoral Boundaries changes and first reading of Bylaw1027-2022 to rezone.


Version: 11-Oct-2022

Oct 2022 Organizational Meeting of Council

The Municipal Government Act requires Council to hold an Organizational Council Meeting annually.

Version: 11 Oct 2022

Nov 2022 Council Meeting Package

Items on the agenda include Community Services Board Grant Allocations, 2023 - 2025 Budget Meeting Dates, Public Hearing, Bylaw 1027-2022.

Version: 07 Nov 2022

Dec 2022 Council Meeting Package

Items on the agenda include 2023-2025 budgets, real estate services contract, uncollectable accounts, and coal transition infrastructure fund.

Version: 12 Dec 2022

Jan 2023 Council Meeting Package

Call to order is 6:00 pm. Items on the agenda include reports from Fire Dep't., Development Officer and Emergency Management. Real Estate Services contract, Bylaw Officer appointment, and more.

Version: 09-Jan-2023

Feb 2023 Council Meeting

Items on the agenda include: Harvest Sky Animal Rescue, 2023 Fall Rummage Sale Date, Hanna RCMP 3rd Quarter Update, Request for Arena rent subsidy, Request for donation of entrance sign, Capital budget addition, PUblic Hearing for LUB Amendment 1029-2023 and 1st reading of bylaw 1030 Advertising bylaw.

Version: 13-Feb-2023

Mar 2023 Council Meeting Package

Items on the agenda include 2 delegations along with the following new business: Alberta Smart Cities Alliance Termination, 2023 Fall Fummage Sale Date, and an Appointment to Palliser Subdivision & Dev. Appeal Board. Bylaw 1030-2023 Advertising Bylaw is scheduled for a public hearing a well as 2nd & 3rd reading.

Version: 13-Mar-2023

Apr 2023 Council Meeting Package

Items on the agenda include: Streetlight and Electronic Monitoring (ATCO); 2022 Financial Statement (Ascend); 1st Quarter Reports from Fire Chief, Development Officer and Emergency Management; What We Heard Report from Palliser RMS; Community Services Fees & Charges Policy.

Version: 11-Apr-2023

May 2023 Council Meeting Package

Items on the agenda include: Duck project request from Long Term Care, Urban hen project request from the Lodge, Spring budget adjustments, Airport runway lighting, 2023 tax rates.

Version: 09-May-2023

June 2023 Council Meeting Package

Items on the agenda include the quarterly update from Hanna RCMP Detachment, Tax Recovery Auction Date, GIS Instrument Landing System and First Reading of Land Use Bylaw #1032-2023.

Version: 12-Jun-2023

July 2023 Council Meeting Package

Items on the agenda include a quarterly report from the Fire Department, Development Officer, Emergency Management, and Municipal Enforcement.

Version: 11-Jul-2023

Aug 2023 Council Meeting Package

Items on the agenda include setting the date for a public hearing for the Land Use Bylaw and an updated Advertising Plan.

Version: 08-Aug-23

Sept 2023 Council Meeting Package

Items of business include: 2023 taxation report, 2024 franchise fees for both ATCO and APEX, and Sept 27 meeting cancellation.

Version: 08-Sept-23

Oct 2023 Council Meeting Package

Items on the agenda include a quarterly report from the fire department, development officer, emergency management and municipal enforcement. Selection of recipients of the Fred and Freda Geuder Bursary, Tax Recovery, Community Services and Fees amendment, CCTI Funding, Library plan of service and 2023 Music in the Park report. Bylaw 1032-2023 Land Use Bylaw is scheduled to receive second reading.

Version: 10-Oct-2023

Oct 2023 Organizational Meeting of Council

The annual meeting by which Council, Community and Staff are appointed to the various roles to represent the community. Signing authority, and Deputy Mayor are also appointed.

Version: 10-Oct-23

Nov 2023 Council Meeting Package

Version: 13-Nov-23

Dec 2023 Council Meeting Package

Items on the agenda include interim operating budget, Community Services Board grant allocations, letter to PACE Solar, Hanna Marriage and Family Therapy Program Concerns, Starland County letter of support.

Version: 12-Dec-2023

Jan 2024 Council Meeting Package

Call to order is 6:00 pm. Items on the agenda include reports from Fire Dep't., Development Officer and Emergency Management, 2024-2026 Operating and Capital Budget Approval and more...

Version: 08-Jan-24

May 2024 Council Meeting Package

Items on the agenda include:
 - 2023 Audited Financial Statements
 - 2023 Spring Budget Adjustments
 - Hanna Pickleball Club
 - 2024 Tax Rate Bylaw
 - Animal Control Bylaw 1st reading.


Version: 14-May-2024

June 2024 Council Meeting Package

Items on the agenda include: Funding request from Hanna Community Garden, 4th Quarter report from Hanna RCMP Detachment, Tax recovery auction date, Animal Control Bylaw Public Engagement Plan, Surplus items sale, and more.


Version: 11-Jun-2024

July 2024 Council Meeting Package

Items on the agenda include

 - RCMP 4th quarter report}
 - Quarterly reports from Emergency Management, Development, Fire Department and Muncipal Enforcement.
 - Downtown business compensation discussion.

Version: 08-Jul-2024