Town Office

Our Community



Unsightly Property

August 4, 2023

Patrols continue within the Town of Hanna to ensure residents and business owners are compliant with the Unsightly Property and Waste Bylaws.

Both residential and business owners are required to regularly maintain their properties by mowing the grass and eliminating all weeds, including any boulevards, and easements.

Areas parallel to the alley directly behind your backyard fence must be free of weeds and tall grass.

All waste material and debris are the property owner’s responsibility to remove and store in a manner that is not considered unsightly.

Storage of large household items, construction materials, junked vehicles, and household debris in your yard and alleyways need to be removed.

Please ensure you maintain your property in accordance with the Town of Hanna’s Unsightly Property Bylaw #947-2009 and Waste Bylaw #825

The Town of Hanna is planning to hold a Fall Compost Cleanup in October. More details regarding the preparation of your compost materials for pickup as well as the pickup date will be provided in the coming weeks.

If you have a concern, you may visit the Town Office or use the “Report a Concern” form available: